Department of the Environment and Energy

Leading with Influence Program

Before workshop 2

There are quite a few resources listed below and we realise you are busy people. So, to reduce the load we have indicated the items that are essential with an *. The items without the asterisk are optional extra information that we hope you will find useful.

The essential items will take about 50 minutes to watch.

Essential watching

On listening

* The power of listeningWilliam Ury – 15 mins video
Listening, conflict resolution, negotiation. Why it is hard to listen, how to change that and what we would get if we did. A vital skill for leaders.

* 5 ways to listen betterJulian Treasure  – 8 mins video
Listening is a skill that can be developed and for leaders it is a vital skill. There is little point asking questions if one is not able to deeply listen to the answers.

* How to speak so that people want to listenJulian Treasure – 10 mins video
Enhancing communication by consciously weaving speaking and listening. These are vital skills for those “difficult” conversations.

Conflict resolution

* The walk from “no” to “yes”William Ury  – 19 mins
One of the world’s experts in negotiation talks about the structure of conflict and how to work more effectively with that. The importance of “the third side”.

Optional watching


The Growth MindsetCarol Dweck – Talks at Google 2015 – 47 mins video
Interview with Carol. Growth vs Fixed mindsets. Explanation and origins. We do both in different circumstances – it is a dynamic spectrum. Identify the triggers for fixed thoughts then the hidden assumptions, so we can get to Growth. You can wire yourself for a growth mindset. Explores organisational mindsets; malleability of skills and abilities, including intelligence. Gives some ideas for giving feedback to enhance a growth mindset.

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